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Regulating Tokenization: How to plan and act in a regulatory compliant way?

14aug09:3011:00Regulating Tokenization: How to plan and act in a regulatory compliant way?

Event Details

Regulating Tokenization: Together with various industry leaders, RIDDLE&CODE will discuss how to plan and act in a regulatory compliant way.

About this event

Tokenization is making progress on several fronts, ranging from creating digital and blockchain-registered versions of existing financial securities over emerging utility tokens in the industrial space to tokenizing art, real estate, or luxury goods.

Because not all sectors are treated equally yet and we have to deal with a regulatory patchwork, depending on the markets and the industry we work in, it is hard to plan ahead, and technology choices and process design need to be able to respond flexibly, yet quickly, to the new requirements. Together with various industry leaders, RIDDLE&CODE will discuss how this moving set of targets is influencing their business planning and how to assess the situation in different business areas.

Founded in Austria (Vienna), RIDDLE&CODE assists institutions, companies, and individuals to master the challenges of our digital society such as machine identity, product provenance, online fraud, identity theft, and more peculiar problems like cyber insurance, cyber risk assessment, token investment systems, supply chains, etc.


  • To be announced

Time: 9:30 – 11:00 AM (CET)

Mode: online talk via Zoom; Zoom dial-in URL will be sent prior to the



August 14, 2021 09:30 - 11:00(GMT+01:00)

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