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Frankfurt School of Finance and Management is Inviting You To The Crypto Assets Conference (CAC21)

On May 31 till June 2, 2021, the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center is organizing the Crypto Assets Conference (CAC) for the fifth time. Blockchain technology was born through the invention of Bitcoin and has since then created hundreds of digital assets and spurred the development of business models building on decentralized networks. Together with executives, founders, investors and representatives from public authorities the conference covers both the public blockchain (crypto assets) and the enterprise blockchain domain (DLT). The CAC makes the audience familiar with the current trends in DLT, blockchain and crypto assets. 

As the CAC is one of the top European crypto conferences, there will be over 50 experts speaking, e.g., from Bitmex, NÄGELE Attorneys, Government Liechtenstein, European Central Bank, Kraken, Federal Ministry of Finance, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, German Stock Exchange, Deutsche Bank, Daimler Mobility, Metaco, Telekom, Commerzbank, High-Tech Gründerfonds, PwC or many more.

The following topics will be covered at CAC21A: 

Day 1 (May 31, 2021): Bitcoin, Crypto Assets and Decentralized Finance

Day 2 (June 1, 2021): Digital Securities and Infrastructure

Day 3 (June 2, 2021): Digital Euro and Identities

The 3 day long conference will give attendees, such as executives, founders, investors and political representatives the opportunity to analyse the future of blockchain and its implications on the world.

Due to the current restrictions by public authorities, the CAC21A will be held exclusively online for the first time. Yet the speakers will have the possibility to hold their speeches and panel discussions on site at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. This gives the feeling of a conventional conference – only without a physical audience. 

Additionally, in the upcoming months, we will also include all presentations, keynotes and panel discussions into our YouTube channel and the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center Academy.

Participants will get firsthand insights on the latest market developments, trends & research results, completed with valuable discussions that bring together established and new market participants in a professional context. 

Learn more and get access to the conference via this link.