Polymath has discontinued its planning and development of 2 product initiatives as it sharpens its focus on an ecosystem approach to bring securities to the Blockchain. In doing so, Polymath has shifted its resources to focus on its best-in-class token issuance platform and its recently announced Polymesh Blockchain initiative. Polymath will continue to rely on […]
On this day two months ago, May 07, 2019, the Security Token Alliance was founded. STA founder Frederik Bussler saw from first-hand experience that the Security Token industry was fragmented and immature. In order to help industry players avoid the common legal, technical, and financial pitfalls of many projects, an industry organization needs to move […]
DigiShares launches the second phase of their capital raise, a public offering of approximately EUR 1 M under EU regulations. DigiShares has now completed the first round of their capital raise, a private placement round. The financing round was carried out as an STO (Security Token Offering) through DigiShares’ own issuance and shareholder management platform. […]