By Frederik Bussler Margin lending allows traders who put up collateral to leverage their positions, or more simply put, it allows you to invest more money than you actually have. Done wrong, the risks with margin lending can be drastic but done right, a margin lending fund can be used to minimize anticipated drawdown risk. The Invictus Margin […]
Andrea Bianconi Racehorses are an expensive vocational pursuit. But it is also a pretty good business for all those involved, such as the owners, the trainers, the jockeys/riders, the breeders and the various sportive federations. Successful racehorses not only make a lot of money in prize wins — Winx an Australian thoroughbred was the highest all-time earner with […]
Andrea Bianconi Ray Dalio has summed it up pretty well in his latest post — “The World has gone mad, and the system is broken” — and in this interview with CNBC. There is clearly a combination of opportunistic reasons, greed, a quest for power and cronyism as to why the bullshit economics behind the trickle-down narrative — despite its […]