Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, a think-tank and research center which investigates implications of blockchain technology, crypto assets and distributed ledger technology for companies, and BlockState, the Swiss security token issuance provider, conducted a study about the global digital securities ecosystem in an effort to bring more transparency to the fairly young, yet rapidly developing industry. […]
When most people think about investments, owning sustainable forests doesn’t usually come to mind. Yet there has been growing recognition that forests offer many unique benefits, which include real, stable returns over the long term that are largely uncorrelated with more traditional assets such as stocks or bonds. While gold has long been recognised as […]
The Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance (SDFA) along with HSBC Center of Sustainable Finance launch the report: “BLOCKCHAIN Gateway for Sustainability Linked Bonds: Widening access to finance block by block”. The report outlines how emerging technology can enable the green bond market to scale dramatically from a mere 2% of the current trillion-dollar bond market, unlocking […]