Real Nifty announced the release of its new NFT minting service “Real Nifty Wish,” which allows anyone to create an NFT to make their wishes come true. While NFTs to date have allowed celebrities and artists to determine what to sell, Real Nifty’s new NFT allows people to pay for things they want from them. Real […]
The Tokenizer has, since its launch in 2019, grown to be the leading news and information platform for the global asset tokenization industry. The industry is growing bigger by the day, and The Tokenizer successfully just closed a seed round with a handful of experienced angel investors. This and upcoming funding will be applied to […]
Millennium Fine Art Inc. (MFAI) today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, MS Token, has minted its first limited edition exclusive series NFT depicting the 1957 Sputnik satellite launch direct to the retail market. The still image outtakes from the historic $16 million animated Sputnik NFT are being auctioned by the Company on the Rarible and other […]