Wealth managers can offer clients fractional access to a full suite of private market assets, helping them gain a competitive advantage over platforms with only public market products Wealth managers can now introduce more of their end-investors to the world of private investments through a newly-launched institutional service on digital securities exchange ADDX. Corporate treasuries […]
The world’s oceans are in crisis mode and in need of a worldwide “rescue operation”. Basically we are destroying the world’s oceans and life for ourselves if we do not immediately act and change behavior as human beings. Now add that by 2050 +10 billion humans will rely on healthy proteins from fish. This is […]
IX Swap, the first decentralized exchange for security tokens and tokenized stocks, has announced the imminent launch of its proprietary STO (security token offering) swaps platform. The new platform will go live on March 31, 2022, and will come with a wide range of user-focused trading and investment features. These include token swaps, liquidity pools, […]