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Obligate, a leading on-chain capital markets platform, has announced its selection as a member of the Tokenized Asset Coalition (TAC), a significant development in its mission to drive institutional adoption of tokenized assets. This coalition, established in 2023 by industry leaders like Aave Companies, Centrifuge, Circle, Coinbase, Base, Credix, Goldfinch, and RWA.xyz, aims to foster innovation and develop solutions for greater efficiency, transparency, and regulatory compliance in the tokenized asset industry.

Matthias Wyss, Chief Strategy Officer at Obligate, stated, “Joining the Tokenized Asset Coalition is a natural progression for Obligate as we continue to innovate and drive the institutional adoption of tokenized assets. Our unique approach and successful track record in on-chain capital markets position us ideally to contribute meaningfully to the TAC’s mission.”

Obligate, known for its expertise in arbitration, regulation, and tokenization, will actively contribute to the research and development of Tokenization Laws, DLT-based Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Schemes, and RWA Regulation as part of the coalition.

Colin Cunningham, TAC Chair, emphasized the importance of a diverse group of key players, stating, “Our goal was always to bring together a diverse group of key players to ensure vast representation throughout the TAC. We want to bring together not only diverse representation but also the players we can all trust when it comes to compliance, security, growth, and adoption.”

Joining Obligate, 15 other new members, including Ava Labs, Backed, Chainlink Labs, Fireblocks, Keyrock, Maple, Ondo, ParaFi, Polygon Labs, Provenance Blockchain, Republic, Securitize, Solana Foundation, and Steakhouse Financial, will contribute to TAC’s initiatives, actively engaging in events, shaping the annual TAC report, and providing unique insights.

The Tokenized Asset Coalition seeks to unite traditional and crypto financial systems, addressing inefficiencies in the current financial infrastructure to lead the next wave of digital transformation. Obligate, with its commitment to institutional standards, is poised to play a vital role in shaping the future of on-chain capital markets.

About Obligate

Obligate stands at the forefront of institutional adoption in on-chain capital markets, providing a secure, transparent, and regulatory-compliant platform for the issuance, trading, and lifecycle management of debt instruments natively issued on the blockchain. Obligate’s platform caters to the complex needs of institutional investors while lowering barriers of entry for issuers, offering efficient access to multilateral financing. With proprietary eNotes®, ledger-based securities, and a comprehensive dispute resolution framework, Obligate is committed to meeting institutional standards.

Image by Henrique Ferreira from Unsplash

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