Amazing Blocks announces a partnership with Stobox

Amazing Blocks is pleased to announce its newest partnership with Stobox, a tokenization advisory and technology company based in the USA. As a tokenization provider that supports companies at all stages of fundraising, covering all aspects of legal matters, tech-related issues and marketing strategies, Stobox is already well known throughout the blockchain world. Located in Europa and the United States of America, it is the common goal of the new partners to foster the growth of the tokenization industry. The mutual goal of this collaboration is to share experiences and offer their clients the best multijurisdictional service.
About Stobox
Blockchain as a Service provider Stobox is a true allrounder when it comes to tokenization. Offering their wide range of services only at the highest standards of the industry Stobox already is a highly regarded address in the blockchain space. As a tokenization provider that supports companies at all stages of fundraising, from legal to tech to marketing the partnership between our two companies is of great value for us at Amazing Blocks. Stobox is an award-winning company in the field of security tokens and shapes the industry by advising governments on legislation for digital assets and developing next-generation infrastructure. Their modular platform ensures a maximum of customization possibilities. To name just a few of the outstanding services Stobox offers, we at Amazing Blocks are of course particularly keen to mention its special legal management qualities. Here, the Stobox team sets standards worldwide and enjoys a reputation as an absolute expert in their field. The entire process of the respective individual project is covered, be it communication with law firms, the preparation of documents, or assisting the legal structuring. As it can be expensive to issue security token Stobox streamlined and improved the entire process by standardizing legal processes and offering their unique Digital Security Dashboard. The excellent consulting service offers clients the possibility to get advice in advance, for example identifying the technology that is best suited for their project. The team at Stobox is composed of absolute experts who accompany their clients the entire way of issuing asset-backed securities, bringing them on-chain and offering them to the public. With their own security token technology and crypto exchange using the Stobox utility token STBU the company is truly a pioneer and role model for the tokenization industry. As the host of the Digital Asset Conference Stobox brings the leading Blockchain minds together and contributes greatly to the emergence of the token economy and a tokenization ecosystem.
About Amazing Blocks
Amazing Blocks was recently founded in Liechtenstein, offering the perfect solution for tokenization projects (e.g., real estate, cars, machines): To be precise, this means flexible tokens (e.g., equity tokens or debt tokens or participation rights as tokens) in accordance with the Liechtenstein Token Act – which from a foreign point of view then represent, e.g., a normal (un-traded) security. Then technology and the law (i.e., Liechtenstein Token Act) are integrated in one solution or one legal form. Leveraging our own solution, we were the first to ever tokenize true equity of an AG in Liechtenstein resulting in 600 Amazing Blocks tokens. They can be seen on Etherscan here. These tokens effectively prove that the Liechtenstein model seamlessly merges tech and law. Furthermore, a Liechtenstein bank is also no longer needed, because the share capital for the new AG can be provided by cryptocurrencies such as ETH if desired. These accomplishments and possibilities make Amazing Blocks a predestined fit for implementing the standardization tools provided by ITSA into their business.
Opportunities and Future Outlook
Both companies fulfil the criteria of first movers in the field of tokenization. The common goal of fostering mainstream adoption and a shared vision of a digital token economy makes this partnership unique. As partners, we seek to learn and benefit from each other’s experiences. For Amazing Blocks it is of great value to have a partner like Stobox as we see a lot of synergies and believe in the advantages of a shared ecosystem. Offering state of the art tokenization solutions and services fully in line with the respective legal frameworks, Stobox and Amazing Blocks are predestined for a long-lasting partnership. Being positioned in the United States of America, Stobox deals with a different framework as Amazing Blocks in Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein Token Act. These different legal frameworks result in a vast amount of individual tokenization projects where an international exchange of expertise is of significant importance. In the future, everyone, the two companies and thus of course the clients will be able to benefit from the dynamic exchange!
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