The Law Commission of England and Wales has just published recommendations for reform and development of the law relating to digital assets. Digital assets – which include crypto-tokens (sometimes referred to as ‘cryptocurrencies’) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) – are used for an increasing variety of purposes in modern society, such as for investment, for making […]
Patrick McHenry (NC-10), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15), Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, released a discussion draft of legislation providing a statutory framework for digital asset regulation intended to provide clarity, fill regulatory gaps, and foster innovation, while providing adequate consumer protections. “This discussion draft is the first […]
Finding your way around US regulations is not a walk in the park. Below we will guide you through the most essential points and give you an updated overview. This article was borrowed from The Tokenizer’s regulatory service, The Token RegRadar, which covers token and digital assets regulation in more than 70 countries worldwide. By […]