On September 3, the decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregation platform 1inch announced the project has partnered with the animated series “Take My Muffin.” The multimedia animated series aims to be co-created by the crypto community and created by a professional animation studio. 1inch Network Sponsors ‘Take My Muffin’ Animated NFT Series A new animated non-fungible token […]
Spektral Investment Bank Co-Chairman Erdal Can Alkoçlar announced that they will launch the first example of tokenization projects with a gold field in the eastern region of Turkey very soon. Alkoçlar said that its tokenization will create an unprecedented added value to the country’s economy and used the following statements: “It is obvious that tokenization will create […]
tZERO, a leader in blockchain innovation and liquidity for digital assets, through its tZERO Crypto unit, announced that it has launched a new update on the tZERO Crypto app, a cryptocurrency trading platform available on iOS and Android devices. The update includes higher buy limits, a total of seven cryptocurrencies, and faster settlement times. To […]