Advent Entertainment, a leading film and entertainment funding company, announces the much-anticipated Advent Token, the first digital security that opens the door for investors to participate in potential upside in future Hollywood movies, television shows and video games created by Advent Entertainment, will officially launch on Oct. 24, 2022. Advent Token will be listed on INX ONE, the […]
Clearstream has reached the next level of digitisation of financial markets by creating the digital instrument on D7, Deutsche Börse’s digital post-trade platform. European issuers can now leverage the new infrastructure to issue digital securities. The first automated issuances were performed by LBBW and Vontobel, and facilitated by Clearstream, Deutsche Börse’s post-trade service provider. D7 is […]
Akemona, a funding portal and asset tokenization platform, announced the launch of the Halen Technologies Security Token Offering (STO) on the Akemona portal. To learn more about the Halen STO, click here. Halen Technologies is building a community-based super app to integrate the world of shared services for seamless flight booking, ridesharing, vacation rental booking, retail, and […]