By Nicolas Weber, Head of Business Development at Amazing Blocks, and Alireza Siadat, Partner at Annerton Tokenization is slowly gaining momentum. In Liechtenstein, it is possible to tokenize shares in public limited companies directly. You need a few sentences in the articles of association, and it works. The other legal “workarounds”, as in other jurisdictions, […]
– An interview with Dr Joachim Schwerin, Principal Economist at the European Commission Who would believe that a heavyweight institution like the European Commission could be a highly visionary and progressive market driver? Well, that is precisely what the European Commission has been several times already over recent years. We saw that very clearly in […]
Rule amendments harmonize registration exemptions, eliminating complexity and facilitating access to capital and investment while preserving or enhancing important investor protections. The Securities and Exchange Commission has voted to amend its rules in order to harmonize, simplify, and improve the multilayer and overly complex exempt offering framework. These amendments will promote capital formation and expand […]