The market for NFTs could be as much as seven times bigger than initially anticipated, thanks to wholesale replacement of end user-generated content, copyright-free images and advertising rights abandonment that have been fueling the growth of social media and online advertising for much of the 21 century. As noted in this column before, Wall Street […]
– An interview with Andy Peterkin, Partner, Farrer & Co LLP Recently The Tokenizer published The Security Token RegRadar Report produced in collaboration with the government of Liechtenstein. As part of the report, we did a series of qualitative interviews with leading legal experts from nine selected countries. In this interview London-based Andy Peterkin, who is a […]
– an interview with Vikas Shah, Managing Director, Investment Banking at Rosenblatt Securities Rosenblatt Securities is an institutional brokerage firm involved in capital raising for exchanges, financial planning, and other capital market-related activities. Rosenblatt is one of the largest floor managers on NYSE. Mr. Shah is also a co-chair of Rosenblatt’s Fintech Summit, now in […]