The apparently quite witty professor of Computer Science, Andrew Tanenbaum, once said: “The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from.” Nevertheless, trying to agree on standards is the only way forward in many cases. And an excellent example of token standards which was widely accepted very quickly was the […]
– an interview with Harbor CEO Josh Stein, PART 2 The American security token issuance company, Harbor, is one of the pioneers of tokenization, and we are proud to publish this interview with Harbor’s CEO, Josh Stein. The interview falls into two parts, and if you want to read Part 1, please click here. In […]
From a regulatory perspective, the barriers to rapid and relatively painless deployment of security tokens to anyone but professional investors and high-net-worth individuals seems to be lower in Europe than in, for example, the United States. In the U.S., investing in security tokens is in practice a no-go for smaller, non-accredited retail investors. In Europe, […]