American William Entriken is the lead author of the ERC-721 standard and the creator of Su Squares. In part one of the interview series with William, he explained how the ERC-721 standard came about and the difference between the ERC-20 standard and the ERC-721 standard. In this part of the interview, he gives his view on how the ERC-721 standard […]
In December 2018 I got an invitation from William Entriken to participate at the NFT.NYC conference in New York. William is the lead author of the ERC-721 token standard that lays the foundation for the Non-Fungible Blockchain Ecosystem. As an artist who is interested in blockchain and tokenization of art, I have been in contact […]
Being an art enthusiast for many years (and a collector too on a tiny scale) you might think that tokenization of art would be right down my alley. But even though I am genuinely excited about the potential of anything related to tokenization – that is why we are establishing The Tokenizer! – I am […]