By Arnaldur Skorri Jónsson Last week the Korea Securities Depository (KSD) pledged to expand its business into the digital asset space by building a platform for security tokens to accommodate the rise of a specific blockchain use case enabling fractional asset ownership. “We will establish a securities token platform and set up specific business models […]
The European Blockchain Association just released a research report, “Tokenise Europe 2025”, after compiling an expert working group, gathering players from across the blockchain ecosystem – from payments, financial services, and custody to energy, mobility, supply chain, chemicals, policy, and government sectors to answer the question whether Europe should develop into a Token Economy. With […]
Happy new year from The Tokenizer! 2022 has been a very exciting and eventful year for the team behind The Tokenizer. We took a deep dive into the regulatory space this year as we launched The Token RegRadar SaaS tool and more recently The RegCheck Service Suite to assist industry players and their projects to […]