The digital art platform Obilum Art expects to reach a sales value of 3 million euros

Obilum Art, Spain’s first verified digital art (Artech) platform, plans to increase digital art sales fivefold in the next three years, reaching a sales value of three million euros and a turnover of one million euros. In addition, it plans to raise €750,000 in investment in technological developments by 2023, combining experts in art, technology, finance and law.

With the emergence of digital art and NFTs, the art market is undergoing a paradigm shift, increasingly attracting the attention of new investors around the world. So much so that 82% of buyers of this type of NFT works recognise that their main motivation is the revaluation of the pieces, according to a report by Hiscox.

In addition, the experts at Obilum Art, a pioneering platform in Spain, point out that, with the boom in this type of work, the role played by “curators”, gallery owners, artists, collectors, and art institutions is essential. Thus, from the platform, they advocate the control and verification of the authorship of the artworks, to guarantee that the buyer has all the necessary guarantees to demonstrate the work’s authenticity and uniqueness.

According to Obilum Art, the figures indicate that the buying and selling of art through digital platforms will become an increasingly important part of the sector. 84% of those surveyed by Hiscox believe that digital change in the art market will be continuous, compared to 5% who agreed with this statement in 2020. Thus, in 2021 we saw 65% of buyers acquiring art or collectibles online, compared to 59% in 2020 and 43% in 2019.

Support to artists, gallery owners, and institutions

Obilum Art was born to become the Artech of reference for those interested in acquiring pieces of digital art created by curated artists. Therefore, in the first months of its life, Obilum Art has already launched collaborations with important figures on the national and international scene, such as Uxío Da Vila, Boa Mistura, Cara Romero, Ángel Haro, Javier de Juan and Rosa Muñoz, partnering with the curator May Moré or the Madrid gallery PONCE+ROBLES, collections still available for purchase at

This great expansion is being possible thanks to the support provided by the blockchain technology multinational, ioBuilders, specialised in tokenisation solutions for digital assets such as bonds, funds, shares, syndicated loans, or NFTs, and also, as a result of the support of recognized entities in the art world such as the association of Spanish galleries, TAC7 international art consultancy, Palm NFT Studio or LG.

“Digital art is a new channel that will play a key role in the future of the sector. Thus, Obilum Art comes to meet the demands of investors and buyers and to ensure that these works are marketed with all the guarantees of authenticity and authorship, from the hand of art experts: gallerists, artists, curators, and art institutions”, says Carmen Ballesta, Founder & Chief Business Officer of Obilum Art.

About Obilum Art

Obilum Art is a digital art platform that markets NFTs of art produced by curated artists with a defined identity. Obilum Art opens up new commercial and marketing opportunities for artists, galleries, and art institutions by reaching new collectors in the digital space, presenting the new national and international art scene in the New Media art market. Obilum Art has been created by ioBuilders, a blockchain technology company, which has been creating business and technology solutions for regulated technology-based financial institutions for more than five years, helping them to succeed in the adoption of blockchain systems.

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