HOOF Financial Inc. Launches First-of-its-Kind Tokenized ESG Credit to Help Impact Investors Evaluate Corporations


HOOF Financial, Inc. is excited to announce the launch of HOOF Coin™️ America’s ESG Credit™, a first of its kind, asset backed, consumption level sustainability token and predictable store of value that enables corporations to transform operational expenses into investments in environmental, social, and governance issues. HOOF will raise private capital to source, tokenize and sell high-quality, verifiable ESG credits so that corporations can track, monitor, and report their impact as corporate citizens in real time.

The platform will seek to catalyze investments in corporations with values and business practices that promote social and environmental sustainability. This new model for the impact investing ecosystem will deploy innovative technologies that help identify, monitor, evaluate and natively tokenize verifiable ESG investments.

“The problem with ESG data is that it is primarily focused on how companies manage their internal practices, is typically 3 to 12 months old to investors, or sprinkled with assumptions about its real-world impact,” said Kelvin Cook, Founder & CEO of HOOF Financial, Inc. “We enable issuers to continue to focus on their controllables while incentivizing their employees and customers to consider impact related purchase decisions in their everyday lives. They aren’t told what to buy, when to buy, or who to buy from. They’re simply made aware of the companies with whom they share similar values and are given a personal incentive to check them out when they’re ready.”

This new framework will use blockchain technologies to enable corporations of all sizes to invest in ESG issues, maximize corporate influence as it pertains to social and environmental sustainability, and enable impact investors to confidently engage in due diligence in a transparent, fair, timely and beneficial manner.

About HOOF Financial, Inc.

HOOF Financial, Inc. is a blockchain based Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) data provider that turns operational expenses into impact investments for Issuers. By rewarding employees, customers, and partners with HOOF Coin™, America’s ESG Credit™, businesses make measurable difference in society without any major changes to their business structure, operations, or model. Our mission is to give everyone the tools they need to be successful with their money, and our vision is to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to build wealth through easy, yet thoughtful decision-making.

Photo by Feri & Tasos on Unsplash

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